Six states reach consensus on criteria for environmental review to help protect lakes Powell and Mead January 30, 2023 – Today, states sharing the Colorado River submitted a letter to the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) that outlines a Consensus-Based Modeling Alternative for Reclamation to evaluate and incorporate into its development of a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) to revise current Operating Guidelines …
Voluntary program to save water for the Colorado River
Voluntary program to save water for Colorado River SALT LAKE CITY (January 17, 2023) — The Colorado River Authority of Utah and the Upper Colorado River Commission have launched a program to allow farmers and other water users to conserve water without losing their water rights or livelihoods. Why it matters The System Conservation Pilot Program (SCPP)reduces water consumption in …
Upper Colorado River Commission announces 2023 System Conservation Pilot Program
View Request for Proposals, Past Projects and Submit Proposals on the Upper Colorado River Commission Website Region-Specific Information Sessions Virtual: Friday, January 6th, 1-2 PM; register in advance here Price in Person: Tuesday, January 10th, 4-6 pm, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Southeastern Region Office – Conference Room, 319 N Carbonville Rd, Price, UT 8450 Roosevelt In-Person: Thursday, January 12th, 4-6 pm, Utah …
Paul Tsosie
Tsosie is an attorney who specializes in representing various Native American Tribes on issues ranging from hunting and fishing laws to economic development and law enforcement. He previously served as the U.S. Department of the Interior Indian Affairs Chief of Staff and has owned his own law practice for 20 years. He has also practiced law as a prosecutor, defense …