The Colorado River Authority of Utah, in partnership with Central Utah Water Conservancy District and Utah Division of Water Resources, has been selected to receive $1M in federal funding through the Bureau of Reclamation’s Snow Water Supply Forecasting Program to pilot an emerging snow measurement technology in Utah. The pilot project, Flakes, Flights, and Forecasts: Enhanced Snow Measurement in the Uinta …
Metering and Gaging Gap Analysis
Consistent with the five-year Management Plan, the Authority completes a Metering and Gaging Gap Analysis with support from Bowen Collins & Associates and Jones & Demille Engineering Investigation and analysis of water supply and use measurement gaps in the Colorado River Basin in Utah is the first step to supporting accurate measurement and distribution of Colorado River water. The Metering …
Post 2026 Operations
Utah weighs in on future Colorado River operations On August 15, 2023, the state of Utah through the Colorado River Authority, submitted comments on the development of the guidelines for operations of Lake Powell and Lake Mead after 2026. The state also joined the other three Upper Division States on a joint comment letter, in addition to signing off on …